I don’t claim to be an expert on Twitter, but for the last few weeks I’ve been exploring how Twitter works and what it is that has created one of the fastest growing social networks around.
At first glance I’ll admit it looked to be a total waste of time. If you browse through the general posts there is a lot of nonsense. I don’t care if or when someone is going to dinner or when they’re going to bed…unless I’m involved. And that is the point, you choose to become involved (“follow“) whoever you find interesting.
How do you find interesting people to follow? Use twittersearch to find topics of interest. For example, for business, I following tweets about Google., Joomla, G1 Android and SEO. I’ve also been following amFIX (CNN) and for fun, the other night while watching American Idol, I followed the American Idol tweets. What can I say? I’m easily entertained.
There are numerous Twitter Tools available that help you to customize your twittering and tweeting to suit your working style. Tools to incorporate into Outlook, your mobile phone, your desktop. to feed your blog to twitter, to feed your tweets to your blog or website.
One of the most efficient tools I’ve found is Twitterfeed, which feeds your blog posts to Twitter automatically.
There are numerous tutorials online about Twitter. Do a search for “How to Use Twitter for Business” and see what you find. Here’s a good comprehensive overview that I found on Twitter this morning by Andrea Kalli.
Another one (found on the Linked In Twitter Innovators Discussion Group) 20 ways Twitter helps business…
Sign up for Twitter at twitter.com.
Learn more at http://help.twitter.com/portal
Follow me. I’ll try to point out valuable business networking tips as I find them.
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