This morning I came across a post offering the top things not to do when optimizing your site for Google search. See “Search engine optimization Elite Review On Google Prime ten NoNo’s” The points are all valid and a well optimized site should follow all the rules if they want to have their site rank as high as possible. The problem I see with many customers is their laser-sharp focus on getting a good search engine rank while neglecting other marketing and possibly even the website itself.
This hyper-focus may have been enhanced by the glut of SEO experts telling people how vital SEO is to their success. But, web site owners would be wise to remember that the only thing good SEO will do is have your site show up in a site search. It’s not a silver bullet to sales. It will only improve the odds or bringing customers to your website. After that it’s up to you and your website to impress potential customers with amazing content–content that’s current, clear, accurate, informative, and attractively designed.
So while you’re reviewing SEO strategies (because I’m not discounting the effectiveness of a well-optimized site at getting people to the door) don’t forget to review your website. The stuff that customer’s actually see is as important as a good SEO strategy. Here’s a brief checklist of things you should be looking at:
- Is it clear (to the layperson) within seconds of landing on any page in your website what you’re selling?
- Is your phone number visible? On every page?
- Do you give people a reason to call you? Do you clearly state benefits of doing business with you?
- Is your navigation easy to follow?
- Are your markets clearing defined. Do you provide market specific content for different market segments?
- Do you update your content with current information?
- Does your site design look professional? Does it look current or dated? Does it show well on mobile devices?
- Is your site design (colors, typography, logos, images) consistent with your brand?
- If you have a shopping cart, is the cart secure? Are products clearly displayed and identified?
- Are customer service policies, shipping methods, return policies, privacy policies in place.
- Do you provide a physical location and multiple ways for people to contact you?
- Are you using social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others that are appropriate for your markets?
Always focus on building a website that benefits your clients and potential clients. If you keep that in mind as you optimize your site and your content you may find that customers are not only finding you, but they’re also buying from you. And that’s really the ultimate goal isn’t it?
Carolyn–thanks for an excellent, well-reasoned article. You’re right that in the rush to make the content searchable, some people forget that the message also has to speak to the reader and incent him/her to take the next step (call or email) to find out more about the product or service. Good content–client centric, honestly written, and carefully organized–is still king!