Have you heard the phrase “just show up”? We are told that by simply being there, we’re taking a significant step toward success. Last week at the annual Connecticut Women’s Conference presented by the CT Women’s Alliance, we discovered what else we can do to achieve our dreams and goals, and it involves doing something we alone hold the power to do. It means becoming a conscious creator. Ask yourself how you are going to show up. Think about what you want, name the feelings this brings, and then cancel any negative ones. Now, concentrate on the positive thoughts, and let it expand.
If you imagine empowerment, it becomes yours.
“We Are Spirits Having a Human Experience”
L. Kay Wilson, the conference moderator, opened by introducing this vision of empowerment, and it lifted and soared as each speaker shared their story and the know-how they acquired along the way. These women (and a few men!) developed that kernel of truth within themselves to create a working reality for their ambition. Judy Dworin shared how she reaches across prison walls to embolden the incarcerated with the Performance Project’s dance and theater, Thea Montañez recounted her humanitarian efforts in Haiti, and keynote speaker Deborah Rodriguez regaled us with her adventures in Afghanistan training women in the art of cosmetology.
All the speakers have this in common: They are reaching out to do the uncommon by serving the underserved.

Our inspiration continued beyond the narratives. We learned how to improve our breathing. We practiced visualization on our hands. (Did you know one is larger? Or so it seems…) We even practiced laugh yoga. Don’t laugh – or rather, yes, laugh! – it’s for real, and it’s for your wellbeing.
Happiness is Giving to the Universe
When you show up, how will you choose to proceed? Rodriguez’s life-changing decisions began with an injured iguana. Should she follow her convictions and save this creature, or should she turn her back on what she knew would continue to follow her? Your own “iguana moment” could be the thing that makes you go forward or remain stationary. When they refused to turn their back, each of the speakers brought a unique and healing design to the table.
Montañez reminds us that the very thing we need to heal will bring us happiness when we give it away. Where will you bring your happiness? I hope when you show up you will find it there.