Instagram just topped Twitter as the rising star of social media. With over 300 million monthly users, it’s now bigger than Twitter, who has 284 million. The announcement that verified accounts for brands and public figures are being doled out gives Instagram the added prestige of being a visual platform that’s made it in the social stratosphere.
Why Instagram tops Twitter:
Facebook’s Visual Cousin Is No Fad
Not only is Instagram owned by Facebook, but Instagram is the photo-op cousin to the popular social media platform. Because Instagram focuses on capturing shared images, it offers you the opportunity to send visual messages without a lot of fuss over copy.
It’s captured the delight of image-lovers worldwide, with 70% of its users coming from outside the U.S. and 70 million photos being shared each day. This isn’t looking like a passing fad.
Youthful appeal
If you want to get in on what the upcoming generations and the millennials already know is a good thing, then you won’t want to miss out. The opportunity to communicate with these age groups is through their preferred medium, and it’s not Facebook.
Facebook, Instagram’s parent company, is losing its appeal to youth, the same group who first made Facebook popular. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Instagrammers do.
Advertising for Brands
Static ads have been on Instagram since late 2013 and now video ads are being rolled out. Advertisers are quick to respond to the new mobile-centric ad opportunity, wanting to be seen as innovators in a new market.
Its new 15-second autoplay spots will include Disney’s new movie, Big Hero 6, with video showing animated characters doing what Instagrammers know how to do best: selfies poses.
Verify This
It’s what Twitter users have long coveted and reportedly can’t get without Twitter’s personal invite. A @Verified account has been a mark of digital validation on life’s worth for the Twittersphere.
A simple blue checkmark about a dozen pixels wide, the verification symbol indicates you’re someone who’s done something. Instagram is offering the sought-after, verified badges as a way to make following your favorite brands and public personalities easier.
It’s also another way for the social media site to say it’s now someone too.
No Fakers Wanted
As it works to strengthen authentic accounts with verified badges, Instagram is deleting fake and spammer accounts. Increasing user confidence through boosting trust in its profiles is a move to make it anti-spam friendly and more credible.
Search and Get Found
Instagram’s new Explore tab makes it easier for you to search and find relevant brands and people as well as get found by those who are interested in you. Because the tab uses algorithms personalized to the user, if someone shows interest in factors related to what you post, like, and who you follow, your account could be selected in their search.
This positive feature is in contrast to the drawback of Instagram’s single-feed feature. Snap-happy Instagrammers can easily dominate your feed, making it difficult to find the intermittent posting of a close friend.
Instagram is taking over the social media stratosphere and is fast becoming the go-to image sharing site. But if it doesn’t stay focused on ways to continue to top Twitter and other social sharing sites, it could fall into similar downfall. The unfiltered feed problem tops the list of potential issues.
In the meantime, let’s let Instagram shine. Join the Instagram ascendance into photo-sharing stardom and be a star too.