When we begin the project of building or re-designing a website, the first thing many of our clients want to talk about is what the home page will look like and how they should present the products and services offered. While both are critical to the success of a website, it’s important to also consider the following aspects of a website that, unfortunately, are often overlooked.
ADA Compliance
An accessible website makes the experience of browsing easier for the potential customer. The best standards to follow are the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Standards for Accessible Design, which states that all electronic and information technology must be accessible to persons with physical or mental disabilities.
This is a great standard to use because it sets the base for an easy-to-use and navigate website, drawing more potential customers to access your business. Accessibility can mean a lot of things in website design, but in summary it means that your site is easy to browse and search, easy to read, and easy to access for people who may have visual or other limitations. This is not a complex standard to meet, and it has lasting effects on growing your business.
About and Industry Pages
About Us
About Us sections put a face to the name of your company and brand. People buy from people, especially when businesses are competing with brands from all parts of the world. Humanizing your company makes customers feel comfortable and supported, and this connection can begin with a well-crafted About Us section. Showcase your origin story and/or the work you do to engage with the community. This is the perfect spot to share that work with customers and prospects, as well as potential employees.
Industry Pages
While you know where and how your products can be used, others may not. Well-written industry pages are a great place to start. Industry pages show that you understand your customer’s industry and can demonstrate the specific products that you have for them. This can entice prospects, and it can show current customers the breadth of the understanding you have.
It also makes it easier for a customer to purchase more from you. If they visit your site looking for a specific part, they will see that part on the products page. The industry page will not only include that part but all parts they could be purchasing from you specific to their needs. Stop making it hard for them to buy more from you!
Correct Use of Testimonials
Testimonials should be placed strategically throughout your website. For example, the industry pages tell a story that shows how you help other companies in that industry, so what better way to show this than a customer testimonial to qualify your statements?
Creating a specific testimonial page isn’t as effective as a testimonial related to a specific part of the website helping accentuate those successes. Having a testimonial of your spectacular customer service on a page full of other stories won’t stand out as much. Put the testimonial with the topic to really help it shine.
Don’t Skimp on Content
There is no such thing as too much information on a website, but there can be too much information on a single page. The volume of information isn’t as important as the method of communication. The solution to avoiding the overwhelming wave of information is clear navigation.
Navigation should be consistent and easy-to-follow. Every page on the site should be accessible via the main navigation. Use multiple pages to get your message across if needed. As a rule, people like to do their own research. Start with the top level information and drill down into larger content. And, for the engineers out there, add specifications and as much detail as possible.
Quantity of content will also help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), allowing you to be found when someone does an online search. When creating content, make sure that the terms you are using to describe your product are what people are using when searching for it. If the wording is off, you won’t be getting the hits that you want. Having several pages of content is a great way to use every possible phrasing of your product and industry’s needs to ensure you make it to the top of the page on that search engine.
Call to Action
This may seem like the most obvious part of a website, but it is often overlooked. Create a call to action. You know what your intentions are with this website, whether it is engaging with your current customers, attracting new customers, or even branding your company to attract potential employees. Use that knowledge to your advantage and make sure you tell them what to do next!
It’s been proven that if you give someone information, they will accept it and walk away; however, if you give them information and then suggest they take action, they will do so. If you let the user decide what their next choice is, they may miss out on vital next steps. The call to action is the best way to guide a user through your website and keep them connected. The call to action can be anything from signing up for an e-newsletter to picking up the phone to give you call. The intention is to allow them to maintain that connection beyond the great website they just experienced.
SSL Certificate
SSL Certificates may not seem like a vital part of a website, but having one clearly advertised gives your user base peace of mind while browsing your site. An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certification is a way of encrypting and protecting any personal data that may be entered on your site. It provides authentication and encryption and is commonly used on site that require users to submit any personal information.
An SSL Certificate protects your customers from having their data stolen as well as protecting your sites’ security. SSL protects everyone from scams, data breaches, and other cyber threats. Having and showcasing your SSL Certificate helps create and maintain a safe environment for all users.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policies are a vital way of communicating important information to your user base as well. They commonly are statements or even legal documents that disclose ways that the user’s information and data are being gathered, used, and managed. These statements are very important in protecting yourself and your company as well as being very clear with your user base with exactly what their data is being used for.
A Privacy Policy needs to be up-to-date, as there are laws being passed in states across the U.S. that would allow consumers to sue businesses anywhere in the U.S. for not having a compliant Privacy Policy. Keeping these policies up-to-date with the state laws is also very important. These policies raise the standard for data privacy and protect you and your website visitors from potential issues.
All aspects of a website are considered with care. A great looking website is wonderful, but one that looks great and is filled with quality content that connects with their users is even better. This is one marketing tool when done right will have lasting effects on your business. A website is a great place to communicate the personal side of business and really stand out from the rest. Not sure if your website has what it takes? Contact Us for a consultation. We’d be happy to take a look.