Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the behavior of cats has a lot to tell us. Watching cats, or watching the ubiquitous cat videos, will teach us some basic “rules of paw” about social media behavior.
What do cats know about social media behavior? As it turns out, cats were born for the social spotlight. Why else would they agree to star in all the videos?
Let’s take a look and see what cats can teach us.
1. Cleanliness Arrives as the Grammar Police
Cats actively clean themselves with their incessant licking. As a result, they always look superb, and they smell fabulous too. In social media, this translates into keeping your posts clean and free of spelling and grammar mistakes.
More than 4 out of 10 people complained about spelling and grammar on brands’ social media sites, according to a U.K. consumer survey. This pet peeve exceeded consumer dislike for aggressive sales tactics, so be sure to proofread your social media posts.
2. It’s Not About You
Cats remind us with every chance they get that it’s not about you. The universe revolves around them, FYI. So take a cat’s lead and focus on your audience when you’re engaging in a conversation on social media.
Google+ +Post Ads are an example of how effective social media engagement is with the consumer starring in the leading role. The user directs the conversation, giving the brand the attention it craves when and how their fans want it done.
We must be poised to give a rub when a cat decides it’s ready for one – so must a brand be ready to respond to their audience.
3. Play Well With Others
Cats are on the job full time with kitty ninja play tactics, ready to play with anything you’ve got, even if it means resorting to playing with Christmas elf packing peanuts.
For social media behavior, cats teach us that having fun is important to generating shares and comments. While it’s critical to educate your audience, it’s equally valuable to entertain.
At the end of the day, for those who don’t know how to play well, ignore them. Ignore the vampires who are stalking you. As Seth Godin says, be the garlic to the vampires who feed on negativity. When they make nasty comments or send hostile messages, don’t fuel them with a response.
4. Curiosity Won’t Kill Your Results
If cats weren’t curious, they would lose an essential element to their character. How else will cats change the world if it weren’t for their curiosity?
In order to be sure you are effective on social media, be curious like a cat and be active on multiple social media networks. According to this Wildfireapp infographic, greater success means engaging on 5 different social media platforms.
Having a curious nature will get your name out there, widening your social stratosphere and giving you greater feedback.
5. Loyalty Means Getting Fed
Speaking of feedback, cat loyalty is based on the food dish. Is it any different for humans? The hand that feeds you is also whom you’re going to be committed to following
Cats and consumers know when they’re loved by how much you’re willing to show them you care. Showing how you care is as easy – and authentic – as encouraging your fans to recognize your brand.
Feed them information, share your family jewels, or post pictures that feature fans in them. Your audience will rave over seeing themselves on your website blog and social media posts.
User-generated content is the hot trend for 2014, so taking advantage of social media to nurture your unique personality is a photo-moment worth capturing and feeding back to your audience.
Think social media smart like a cat and you’ll learn how to express yourself as a brand on social media. Remember, cats know exactly what they’re doing. They didn’t take the Internet by storm with their furry feline charm by accident.
They’ve been watching our every move.
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