Ask for action.
Build trust by telling the truth.
Clearly state your case.
Deliver value to the reader.
Educate, don’t pontificate.
Focus on one main point.
Give specifics.
Honor the reader’s intelligence.
Include power words like “you” and “money.”
Just get to the dang point.
Know your audience.
Leave the cliches out.
Make it new, interesting or important.
Never forget the importance of readability.
Organize your ideas logically.
Proofread, proofread and remember to proofread.
Question your reader to elicit a response.
Repeat your main point creatively.
Simplify difficult concepts.
Talk reader benefits, not product features.
Use strong active verbs.
Vary your sentence pattern.
Write for the head and the heart.
X out jargon.
Yield understanding.
Zero in on your readers’ true needs.